Driving to San Francisco

Hey! The last time I left you, Merry and I were driving through the night on our way to California. As the sky was just barely lightening up around 5 am, we had finally made it into Cali and we were both super exhausted. I had been driving the whole night because Merry’s driving scares… [Read More]

California, here we come.

Alright, so this post isn’t exactly my way of telling you that I’m headed to Cali soon- although I definitely wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to go if it presented itself… But really, this post is an intro to a vacation recap that I’ve debated sharing. Why? Because it was a road trip Merry and… [Read More]

February 2015 Recap

Here we are, already at the end of February. Though the months seem to fly by anyway, the fact that February is a short month really made it go by that much quicker. I think I collected a lot of great moments during the past 28 days though. Traveled: We didn’t go too far this month- just a… [Read More]

Friday Favorites

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a Friday Favorites post, so I’m getting back on track today. I’ve been working on some posts on a road trip I took almost six years ago now (yikes, six years, really???) and I can’t wait to get them done so I can share! For now though,… [Read More]

Red Velvet Cake Mix Baked Donuts

A couple weeks ago I made red velvet scones using boxed cake mix. I had some left over and knew I would use it for Valentine’s Day baked donuts- yum. They were really really easy, and delicious. For the donuts themselves, I mixed together about 1 1/4 cup cake mix, 1 egg, 1/8 cup oil, and 1/2… [Read More]

Celebrate with Wine

Hey there! How is your week going? I hope you wine-lovers out there celebrated yesterday because not only was it Wine Wednesday, it was also National Drink Wine Day! Double whammy! When I visited my dear friend Brenna, in Boise last summer, she sent me away with bottles of delicious Idaho wine. I opened up a bottle from Telaya,… [Read More]

Valentine’s Day Weekend

Hey! How was your weekend? Mine was wonderful- I just adore long weekends. Can’t they all be like that? Plus, it was Valentine’s Day on Saturday so this weekend was already going to be extra sweet:) On Friday at work we had our annual dessert bake-off, complete with a delicious lunch provided by the company…. [Read More]

Red Velvet Scones

I really love scones. I found this recipe for red velvet scones using cake mix and I was sold. I love making red velvet things, (especially brownies) but sometimes it’s a pain having to buy a bottle of red food coloring just for one dessert recipe. Using a cake mix was the perfect short cut!… [Read More]

Heart Shaped Sugar Cookies

Alright, ya’ll. I promised you some Valentine’s treats on the blog, so here we go. As I told you here, I baked my little heart out over the weekend making festive goodies. Today, we’ll talk sugar cookies, and tomorrow we’ll talk red velvet scones. Sound good? Good:) I’ll just start by saying that these were delicious. 5 stars…. [Read More]

Sweet Weekend

Hi there! How was your weekend? Mine was SWEET. I did a lot of baking this weekend:) Friday after work the clouds literally parted and the sun came out for the first time in weeks. I was beyond happy that the weekend was upon me, the sun was making an appearance, and it was still light out… [Read More]