Here we are, already at the end of February. Though the months seem to fly by anyway, the fact that February is a short month really made it go by that much quicker. I think I collected a lot of great moments during the past 28 days though. Traveled: We didn’t go too far this month- just a… [Read More]
Celebrate with Wine
Hey there! How is your week going? I hope you wine-lovers out there celebrated yesterday because not only was it Wine Wednesday, it was also National Drink Wine Day! Double whammy! When I visited my dear friend Brenna, in Boise last summer, she sent me away with bottles of delicious Idaho wine. I opened up a bottle from Telaya,… [Read More]
Reasons to be Excited for February
Happy February! AKA, happy month of love, hearts, candy and all things pink!! I’m still brainstorming what this month will have in store for me, but there are some things coming up that I’m definitely excited about. And you should be too! Here’s why: Valentine’s Day, February 14 || It doesn’t matter if you’re single, married, or anything in between- celebrate!… [Read More]
Weekend Recap
This last weekend was half relaxed and half busy. Do you ever have weekends like that? It’s nice because you don’t get totally exhausted from being non-stop busy. On Friday after work, my hubs and I went out to dinner at Olive Garden- just the two of us. (Thanks to my in-laws for the gift… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Happy Friday all! Hooray for a short week! I’m super excited to get to spend time with some of my closest gal pals this weekend, as a dear friend is getting married tomorrow! So we will all be reunited at her wedding! And, tomorrow is also National Margarita Day! So there is double the reason… [Read More]
Superbowl Birthday Brunch
I love birthdays. I don’t ever see myself getting to the age where I want to let my birthday sneak by without any celebration. Hey, living another year is a blessing to be celebrated! That being said, I am also a believer that we are entitled to a birthday week. Cake before dinner? Sure, it’s… [Read More]