Well hey there! I’ve been a little MIA lately. (#lifewithanewborn) January has been flying by – last weekend we had a great time in Chelan celebrating my 28th! The weekend included chocolate cake, mimosas + hot-tubbing with a view, and participating in the annual Winterfest wine walk. Plus, our master bath at our rental had… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Happy FRIYAY! Here are some of my current favorites! Stretch Island Fruit Leather. I think I mentioned these in a previous post. We get them from Costco and they totally satisfy my constant fruit craving! THE BEACH. I’m super missing having the beach for a backyard like we did a few weeks ago. I can’t… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Happy Friday! After being sick most of last week and being thrown back into the work grind this week – it felt like this day would never come. #exaggeration Today is a half day for me at work, hooray! The hubby and I are headed to Spokane for an event his work is putting on…. [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Happy Friday! Who’s excited for the weekend?! (Me, me, me!) This week flew by, and now I’m so excited for Easter weekend! We will most likely be celebrating with church and brunch. In honor of the wonderful holiday, I’ve put together some favorite Easter finds! Oh, and I know there’s a TON of sweets in… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a Friday Favorites post, so I’m getting back on track today. I’ve been working on some posts on a road trip I took almost six years ago now (yikes, six years, really???) and I can’t wait to get them done so I can share! For now though,… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Happy Friday everyone! Did anyone else have one of those weeks that just wouldn’t end? I hate being one of those people that waits for the weekend, but man- this was just one of those weeks! It’s been overcast for days, work was that awkward mix of slow and busy, and I have some awesome plans for this… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
TGIF! Hooray, hooray- we made it through the week! I’ve been super excited for this weekend for a couple reasons: my bestie is coming to town, and we are going to Winterfest in Chelan tomorrow! I’ve never been, but I know we’ll have a great time. I’ll let you know how it goes! Here are my… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (fireworks cracking, champagne flutes clinking, confetti falling) Hey there! How was your New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day? Mine were both pretty great! New Year’s Eve I wore a pretty dress, had champagne, and kissed my love at midnight- which is pretty much all one could ask for! We kicked off the night… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
We made it through another week y’all! (Every time I type that I hear Chandler’s voice saying, “That’s right, I just said y’all!” Gah, love that show…) How was your week? Mine seemed longer than normal, probably due to my Seahawk hangover. So worth it though. My hubs and I had a “Thursday is the new Friday” moment last… [Read More]
Friday Favorites
Whoo, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Friday favorites post! Well, I am so stinkin’ happy it’s Friday that I couldn’t resist doing one today. This weekend is going to be awesome between Halloween and going to my very first Seahawks game! SO excited! Alright, so here are some of my favorite finds from… [Read More]