Holidays 2020

So, I’ve always said that in our household, the holidays start October 19th on Milly’s birthday, and last until January 10th (my birthday). Welp – now they start September 26th on Ava’s birthday! Sorry husband, you with your July birthday… ;) So of course, Ava was born September 26th, about 3 weeks early. Started my… [Read More]

Holidays 2018

The holiday season has been that much more special to me, since Emilia was born. Usually Halloween kicks off all the celebrating, and it lasts all the way until my birthday on January 10th. But now, it starts October 19th on Milly’s birthday which is pretty much the best way it could possibly start. I shared a… [Read More]

First Father’s Day (& Mother’s Day)

Happy FIRST Father’s Day to the best husband and the best daddy to Milly! Just look at that itty bitty baby! Today is all about our favorite guy! We have a few things up our sleeve to celebrate him, and it’s all starting with this morning. I’m downstairs with our noisy, early-rising baby, while he… [Read More]

MDW 2018

Baby’s first Memorial Day weekend was a success! I had a girls night with my bestie where we sat outside and sipped rosé slushees at a local fruit stand. Our little family of three had a fun day and night at my MIL’s lake house with family where Milly got to experience her first boat… [Read More]

Wenatchee Festival of Trees

Happy December 1st!! Let all the Christmas festivities commence! If you’re anything like us, you don’t wait for December 1st to roll around before getting into the holiday spirit. My halls were decked before Thanksgiving. I always do it the weekend before, so when Thanksgiving is over it’s done and I can enjoy it rather than dragging… [Read More]

Thanksgiving 2017

December is sneaking up on us… anyone else feeling like they are already behind on Christmas shopping? I made an order today to cross a couple things off the list. (Thank you Old Navy, for extending your cyber Monday sale to today!!) Having a baby to shop for is so much fun! Thanksgiving this year… [Read More]

14 Days of Love {Days 8-14}

Well, Valentine’s day is over, meaning so are my 14 days of love. I’m pretty sure I’m going to miss the pink and sweet festiveness! Although, I’ve eaten way too many sweets so far this month, so it’s probably a good thing the chocolate holiday is over. The second half of our daily valentine to-dos were a walk… [Read More]

Festive Indoor Picnic

Happy Valentine’s Day EVE!!! This weekend was super sweet – we got a lot of things done around the house, plus managed to have some Valentine-themed fun. On the chore side of things, we almost completely cleaned out our cluttered office (that room is getting a long overdue makeover), and I cleaned out our closet/… [Read More]

Easter Weekend 2015

How was your Easter weekend? Mine was lovely! It was full of celebration, friends, family, and puppy cuddles. Saturday we went a short ways out of town to celebrate the birthday of one of Marty’s close friends. It was a surprise party, which is always fun. We rode with our friends Alec and Holly, and… [Read More]

Au Revoir, 2014!

Well, here we are. Another year come and gone. It seems they’re flying by faster and faster. I love looking ahead at this time of year, to all the great things to come, but it’s also a great time for reflecting. The years seem to go by in a blur since I graduated college so… [Read More]