How was your Easter weekend? Mine was lovely! It was full of celebration, friends, family, and puppy cuddles.
Saturday we went a short ways out of town to celebrate the birthday of one of Marty’s close friends. It was a surprise party, which is always fun. We rode with our friends Alec and Holly, and Holly dressed up as the grim reaper as a joke for the birthday boy. It was too funny! The rest of the party was spent eating and chatting. The view from the home we were at was spectacular.
Sunday morning we got up bright and early to make our 8 o’clock service at church. Love celebrating Easter!
After church we headed up to my brothers for Easter brunch. We had a superb selection of breakfast items including the best cinnamon rolls ever, my sis-in-law Genia’s delicious breakfast casserole, biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, and lots of fresh fruit. Plus, Genia also decorated the cutest cake I’ve ever seen. It was a great morning!
Isn’t my niece just lovely? I love this little Lexi girl! I also have three very handsome nephews:)
I hope you all had the sweetest of Easter weekends. I know I did!
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