Newborn Stocking Stuffers

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. I always loved opening up my stocking first thing on Christmas morning. My mom is an excellent stocking stuffer, and now it’s my turn! I’m not sure what I’ll put in Emilia’s stocking, but I’m envisioning hair bows, baby lotion, cute socks, and a warm winter hat. Here… [Read More]

Emilia’s Newborn Christmas List

I’m not sure if most people Christmas shop for their newborns or not, but I can’t help it. Milly is so much fun to shop for, and I’ve already figured out most of what I want to get her. In order to keep myself from going overboard, I want to follow the “something they want,… [Read More]

Wenatchee Festival of Trees

Happy December 1st!! Let all the Christmas festivities commence! If you’re anything like us, you don’t wait for December 1st to roll around before getting into the holiday spirit. My halls were decked before Thanksgiving. I always do it the weekend before, so when Thanksgiving is over it’s done and I can enjoy it rather than dragging… [Read More]

One Month of Milly Belle

Yesterday I posted one month pictures of little miss Milly, and now I want to share how the first month of her life has gone. (After the first nine days that we were in the hospital.) Life with a newborn is exhausting, but beyond worth it! We could not love her more! Time has flown by…. [Read More]

One Month Pictures

On November 19th, Emilia turned one month old! It’s so crazy, I already feel like she has changed so much. Everyday she is less of a newborn, which means I’m constantly taking pictures of her to remember those sweet newborn details. I wanted to capture pictures of her at one month, pictures of her in… [Read More]

Thanksgiving 2017

December is sneaking up on us… anyone else feeling like they are already behind on Christmas shopping? I made an order today to cross a couple things off the list. (Thank you Old Navy, for extending your cyber Monday sale to today!!) Having a baby to shop for is so much fun! Thanksgiving this year… [Read More]

Registry Must Haves

Filling up our baby registry was a little overwhelming. I think I just googled baby registry checklist and went off a few of them. There were some things that I was like, “Nope, don’t need that”, but for the most part it helped me feel like I wasn’t forgetting anything. There are so many things… [Read More]

Emilia’s Birth Story

As promised, here is the novel that is my baby girl’s birth story. :) Where ever to begin? The first week of our little one’s life was easily the hardest week of our lives. The moment she was born was perfect and magical, but it wasn’t long before she was taken away from us and we were absolutely terrified… [Read More]

Thanksgiving Fashion: Mama & Mini

Is November flying by for anyone else? Now that I have a newborn – more than ever I just want time to slow down. My baby girl will be one month old on Sunday! (Sob.) I’ve been thinking about what I want to dress her in for Thanksgiving, and what I will wear to match her. :) I’m really… [Read More]

Halloween 2017

I really love this time of year, when fall melts into the holidays. And now that we have our baby girl, I know my love for this season is going to really grow! It’s so crazy to think that I was due on Halloween, with no clue of whether or not I’d actually have her… [Read More]