Emilia – 11 Months

On september 19th, Milly turned 11 months! She wasn’t walking yet, but was waving and blowing the sweetest kisses I’ve ever seen. (She would basically put her hand in her mouth really fast, pull it out and blow a raspberry sound. Super hard to explain, but super super cute!) And, oh! Her dance moves! The… [Read More]

Emilia – 10 Months

Things started to feel real when Milly turned 10 months. Double digits?? So close to one!! She upgraded her crawl from the army crawl and started to get around much faster. She also started standing up this month. It was a pretty big month for us because we moved – which I don’t even think… [Read More]

Emilia – 9 Months

Oh hey! It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? My last post was in July, and now it’s December, our baby girl is ONE, and life is as busy as ever! ;) I still can’t believe we have a one year old. Let’s just jump right back in where we left off, shall we? 9 months… [Read More]

Emilia’s Nursery

I’ve had this post started for months and months, and here we are – nine months after Emilia was born, and I am FINALLY sharing her nursery! I don’t know if I should feel like a total failure that it’s taken me this long, or a total success that I’m getting it done before her… [Read More]

Emilia – 8 Months

8 months with our baby girl! She is getting SO BIG and so smart! By 8 months old, she was officially mobile – army crawling her way to wherever her little heart desired. She loves food and will chow down on everything we give her. (This girl likes her veggies, yay!) She gets a kick… [Read More]

Denver Road Trip 2018

We are back home after a quick road trip to Denver, Colorado! It’s so nice to be home, but I wish we’d had a little bit more time in the Mile High City. We are definitely going back! The whole point of this trip was to visit my grandpa, who I hadn’t seen since I… [Read More]

First Father’s Day (& Mother’s Day)

Happy FIRST Father’s Day to the best husband and the best daddy to Milly! Just look at that itty bitty baby! Today is all about our favorite guy! We have a few things up our sleeve to celebrate him, and it’s all starting with this morning. I’m downstairs with our noisy, early-rising baby, while he… [Read More]

MDW 2018

Baby’s first Memorial Day weekend was a success! I had a girls night with my bestie where we sat outside and sipped rosé slushees at a local fruit stand. Our little family of three had a fun day and night at my MIL’s lake house with family where Milly got to experience her first boat… [Read More]

Easter 2018

Easter was great this year. I think it was easily our best holiday with Milly to date. She was a dream baby, and made the whole day perfect. I had a blast putting together a little Easter basket for her. (I just used a rose gold basket we had already.) I filled it with some… [Read More]

Emilia – 7 Months

I’m trying hard to keep caught up on these, but no joke – the months are FLYING by! I blink and she’s another month older, wearing a new size of clothes or diapers, and showing off new moves like sitting up or high-fiving. I’m sure I’m going to say this a hundred times over, but… [Read More]