Weeks 7-12

So, I actually stopped filling out the questionnaires during my nausea. (Big surprise… lol) My nausea lasted about 7 weeks, same as with Milly. It was all day everyday but I feel like I had a better handle on it this time around. I kept myself fed at all times which helps so much. The… [Read More]

Weeks 3-6

So, I tried to start filling out these little weekly questionnaires right away after finding out we were pregnant. I though it would be sweet to have notes on what life was like so early on in the pregnancy. :) I didn’t start taking bumpdate pictures until week 12, but I will share those! How… [Read More]

Long time no see

Oh heyyy blog! I’ve missed you! So much filling in to do. I wanted to keep track of my pregnancy last year like I did with my first, but my blog was broken for awhile and I didn’t have the energy to deal with it. I wrote posts behind the scenes as best I could,… [Read More]

Another Baby Girl!

I have yet to share our biggest news of 2020 on the blog! We are expecting another baby girl in October of this year!! We could not be more excited… the thought of raising two little girls has me feeling all sorts of blessed. In March we actually found out the gender, since we did… [Read More]

Mother’s Day Weekend 2020

I know times are still crazy, especially here in Washington state where our stay at home order has been extended through May. But we still managed to have an amazing Mother’s Day weekend. Ahh I miss it already! We took Monday off and made it a long weekend so we could spend extra sunshine time… [Read More]

Easter 2020

Definitely started to title this Easter 2019… 2020 just doesn’t feel real! What strange times we live in… It’s crazy to think what I had wanted Easter weekend to look like for us just a couple months ago… church, our small town’s annual egg hunt, and family time! Instead, we had to stay home, as… [Read More]

Busy winter

We got back from Kauai mid-January and life has been pretty busy ever since! But things have been really great so I really don’t even mind the busy. I had multiple açaí bowls in Hawaii that I’ve been craving, so I tried my hand at making them at home. (Thanks to my in-laws for the… [Read More]

Valentine Ideas

I’ve got Valentine’s Day on the brain. I’ve got Milly’s valentine goody bag all ready to go. She’s our very best little valentine, after all. :) Now if only I could figure out what to do for that husband of mine?! Usually to celebrate the holiday of love, we have dinner at home. Something fancy… [Read More]

Kauai #aloha30

Aloha!!! In January we went to Kauai with family to celebrate my 30th birthday! Crazy to be in a new decade of life. We had a great time. Having a birthday in January always makes me want to go somewhere warm to celebrate. We saw a lot of rain during our stay, but we did… [Read More]

December 2019

December was a pretty sweet month. I tried really hard to do an activity advent calendar, with something fun every day, but I definitely didn’t follow through for every day. Things got super busy mid-month, but I’m still happy with the fun things we did do. We kicked off the month with a breakfast with… [Read More]