I know times are still crazy, especially here in Washington state where our stay at home order has been extended through May. But we still managed to have an amazing Mother’s Day weekend. Ahh I miss it already!
We took Monday off and made it a long weekend so we could spend extra sunshine time at our lake house. (We bought a lake house earlier this year – still so crazy to think about!!!) We headed out late Friday afternoon and were there by 7, which gave us enough daylight to walk down to the water at dusk.
Saturday and Sunday both had such gorgeous weather – calm and 80 degrees!! It definitely gave us a taste of summer and we are so excited for more hot weekends here. Both days were spent with me getting up early (around 6am) to drink coffee, relax, and then make breakfast. Then we’d head down to the water and let Milly play before walking back to the house for lunch. The walk from our house to the water is literally TWO minutes! You can see the water the entire time. We love it! After lunch it would be nap time and we would have a lazy couple hours at the house just waiting for Milly to wake back up so we could go back to the beach. Seriously haha. It was nice though, I would just sit outside on the veranda and journal, do my nails, etc. Both days we woke her up from her nap which we neeeever do, but we wanted her to be able to soak up as much fun in the sun as possible! She didn’t seem to mind. ;)
At the water she played with sand toys and would charge into the lake up to her chest! We will definitely need to be keeping an eye on this one… I had my inner tube that I floated in, with a pineapple lemonade in my cup holder. It was so peaceful and exactly what I wanted to do for the weekend! Milly floated with me some too.
Usually I’m hungry for dinner by 4:30, but the sunshine kept us out until way past that. Not mad about it! :) When we did finally walk back to the house, we’d hose off our sandy feet, make food, and eat outside on the veranda all together. Saturday night we made s’mores in our fire pit – so fun!
On Mother’s Day Milly actually slept in thanks to all the fun on Saturday so I got to have some coffee quiet time. I walked to the water because I wanted to see what it was like on the beach before the sun comes up. So peaceful. When my loves got up, I made waffles with berries and whipped cream + bacon for breakfast, which we of course ate on the veranda again. My hubby and Milly had made me a card and gave me some special chocolates. I definitely felt super blessed all weekend.
I hope all you mamas out there were celebrated all weekend!

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