I have yet to share our biggest news of 2020 on the blog! We are expecting another baby girl in October of this year!! We could not be more excited… the thought of raising two little girls has me feeling all sorts of blessed.
In March we actually found out the gender, since we did the genetic screening at ten weeks. It’s crazy how early they can do those, but I loved being able to tell Milly she was getting a baby sister. We got some cake pops from my brother’s bakery – sure to rise bakery – and Milly did the honors. :)
This pregnancy has given me a run for my money in more ways than I care to share right now – and even though I haven’t been posting, I’ve still been doing the weekly bumpdates as best as I can, which I plan to start adding to the blog soon! I loved having those to look back on with Milly, so I had to do them again.
As I write this I’m 22 weeks and 6 days – over halfway to meeting our littlest girl! We can’t wait!!

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