How far along? 18 weeksTotal weight gain: In the 4-7 range, I feel like it’s fluctuating latelyMaternity clothes? Sometimes! I’m currently purposefully wearing looser fitting clothes.Sleep: Sleep is still good thankfullyBest moments this week: Oh gosh. It’s been a rough week emotionally, but I would have to say all of the kicks I’m feeling every… [Read More]
17 Weeks
How far along? 17 weeksTotal weight gain: Probably about 5-6 lbsMaternity clothes? Some days I’m rocking my still too loose maternity jeans or leggings. I’m so ready for non stop sundress weather!Sleep: Sleep is goodBest moments this week: Mother’s Day weekend at the lake was a dream!!Miss Anything: my brother and I were just talking… [Read More]
16 Weeks
How far along? 16 weeksTotal weight gain: I think I’m at about 3-4 lbs nowMaternity clothes? I’m at an awkward in between stage where my regular clothes are too snug and my maternity clothes are loose. Thankfully, I rarely take my frumpy self out in public these days. Sleep: Sleeping great still! The past few… [Read More]
15 Weeks
How far along? 15 weeksTotal weight gain: I think I’m at about 2 lbsMaternity clothes? Not yet. I should probably put away my regular jeans for the year since I haven’t worn them in months and I’m certain they won’t fit without the hair tie trick… Sleep: Sleeping great these days – yay!! I even… [Read More]
14 Weeks
How far along? 14 weeksTotal weight gain: about 1.5 lbs stillMaternity clothes? I have them washed and ready but not wearing them yet! Can’t wait for dress season. Sleep: No trouble sleeping mostly – so exhausted by the time the evening rolls around!Best moments this week: we spent a nice relaxing weekend at the lake…. [Read More]
13 Weeks
How far along? 13 weeksTotal weight gain: about 1.5 lbsMaternity clothes? Not yet, but thanks to social distancing I’m wearing leggings all day everyday. I don’t even know if my jeans still fit…Sleep: I’m so very tired at night, I fall asleep easily. Sometimes I have a hard time going back to sleep after waking… [Read More]
Weeks 7-12
So, I actually stopped filling out the questionnaires during my nausea. (Big surprise… lol) My nausea lasted about 7 weeks, same as with Milly. It was all day everyday but I feel like I had a better handle on it this time around. I kept myself fed at all times which helps so much. The… [Read More]
Weeks 3-6
So, I tried to start filling out these little weekly questionnaires right away after finding out we were pregnant. I though it would be sweet to have notes on what life was like so early on in the pregnancy. :) I didn’t start taking bumpdate pictures until week 12, but I will share those! How… [Read More]
Long time no see
Oh heyyy blog! I’ve missed you! So much filling in to do. I wanted to keep track of my pregnancy last year like I did with my first, but my blog was broken for awhile and I didn’t have the energy to deal with it. I wrote posts behind the scenes as best I could,… [Read More]
Another Baby Girl!
I have yet to share our biggest news of 2020 on the blog! We are expecting another baby girl in October of this year!! We could not be more excited… the thought of raising two little girls has me feeling all sorts of blessed. In March we actually found out the gender, since we did… [Read More]