16 Weeks

How far along? 16 weeks, 2 days (I’m posting this at 16 weeks and 6 days) Total weight gain: 1.5 pounds – pretty sure it’s more than this. I’ll know how much more at my appointment on Wednesday! Maternity clothes? The maternity jeans I bought are such a nice break from the hair tie trick I’d been using! They’re… [Read More]

Nursery Inspiration

I’ve been thinking a lot about the nursery and figured I should start compiling my most favorite bits of inspiration. I want a room that is pretty and airy, and not too baby-ish. The colors I’m going for are light pinks (blush and flamingo-pink), peaches, golds, and whites. I don’t really want to do a… [Read More]

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks, 6 days Total weight gain: 1.5 pounds – could be more. We’ll see at my next appointment. Maternity clothes? I actually bought a small lot of maternity clothes from Ebay… I’d been keeping an eye out for someone to post their maternity clothes that has my taste and size and someone finally did!… [Read More]

13 & 14 Weeks

I’m a little late posting these – I’m actually 15 weeks now. I blame the sickness I’ve been fighting this week! :) Sorry for looking a little ragged in this picture. I almost forgot to take a 13 week picture, so this was super last minute and I was suffering from a killer headache! How… [Read More]

Gender Reveal Photoshoot

On Monday, April 24th I received a call that the results of my Harmony test were in and that everything looked good. Baby is healthy! I took my sister-in-law with me to go pick up the gender results in an envelope, and she went and picked out a pair of little baby moccasins for our… [Read More]

Spring so far

I’m really loving spring lately, especially with the weather warming up. And REALLY especially with the nausea mostly gone. Hallelujah. I figured I’d just recap spring so far, since the my first trimester kept me pretty absent on the blog. :) Here’s a snap of me fighting nausea with one of my furry sidekicks and some… [Read More]

My First Trimester

I can talk about it now because I made it through, but OH MY GOODNESS was the first trimester awful! I got hit bad with the morning all day sickness. It started on week six (which I refer to as week sick) and lasted all the way until week 13. I threw up too many… [Read More]


Things sure have changed around here. Spring is in full swing and trees are in bloom everywhere, but the biggest change for us is that we are expecting our first baby later this year! We are over-the-moon excited, and maybe just a tad overwhelmed at all that we have to do before babe’s arrival ;) I’ve been… [Read More]

Fashion Fears

Who here has put together an outfit, modeled it in front of the mirror and decided it was super cute, only to change out of it and into something else more “you” at the last second before leaving the house? Looks left. Looks right. Slowly raises hand. Guilty! I must say, I’m not as guilty of this… [Read More]

Spokane Weekend

This weekend I went to visit my bestie, Merry, in Spokane – my last visit before she moves over here!!! On Friday I got off work early to conquer the drive in the daylight. We hit up the grocery store for some weekend essentials and relaxed with a movie. Saturday morning we were up early… [Read More]