Memorial Day weekend was pretty low key around here. Merry came to stay with me and we had a pretty great weekend. We made lemon cupcakes, had breakfast out at Cafe Columbia, went herb shopping with my mom, attended a family BBQ at the park, spent time at the lake in Chelan, had takeout, and… [Read More]
May 2015 Recap
May, where did you go? I can’t even believe that June begins tomorrow! Here’s a rundown of my May: Traveled: The farthest we traveled was Leavenworth for Mother’s Day. Love that little Bavarian town. Read: I finished the book “One Thousand Gifts” that I was reading for a group bible study with some girls from work…. [Read More]
Memorial Day Weekend
I made the mistake of blinking, and now almost all of May has gone by. Seriously, people! Where has this month gone? I’ve been crazy busy, and my lack of posts on here shows for it. Boo. On the bright side, I will still be doing my monthly recap at the end of May, so… [Read More]
Cinco de Mayo
Hola! I hope you all got to fiesta yesterday for Cinco de Mayo! I will never turn down an excuse to have tacos and margaritas. I wanted to try something a little different, so we made pineapple margaritas! I love pineapple. Here are some snapshots from our little Tuesday night dinner fiesta! Happy Wednesday! Half… [Read More]