Memorial Day Weekend

I made the mistake of blinking, and now almost all of May has gone by. Seriously, people! Where has this month gone? I’ve been crazy busy, and my lack of posts on here shows for it. Boo. On the bright side, I will still be doing my monthly recap at the end of May, so you can see all the fun stuff I’ve been up to:)

Memorial Day weekend was pretty awesome – I didn’t have a lot of plans which made for a nice, relaxing long weekend.

Friday after work we had dinner and drinks with friends. Saturday morning started with coffee and puppy snuggles, my favorite way to greet the day. I met up with my bestie for a relaxing day of sunshine, lunch, iced lattes, and shopping. After, I did some reading on the deck and caught the sunset. Sunday morning my hubby and I went to breakfast at a great local spot. We spent the afternoon on the boat and picnicking in the park with family. It was such a beautiful day! Monday I made a breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon, and we spent the day relaxing and doing laundry. I may have binge watched a million episodes of Gilmore Girls, plus I opened my new watercolors and had fun painting while jamming out to Frank Sinatra’s greatest hits.

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And a special happy birthday to my big brother, Jason! His birthday was yesterday:)

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How was your weekend?

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