I feel like I still do a double take when I look at the date – just so surprised it’s August already. We’ve been soaking up what’s left of summer, and we’ve had some really hot days this week. We should be living at the pool this weekend, but it’s Friday and POURING, and tomorrow… [Read More]
August 2015 Recap
August, you were crazy awesome and crazy busy. Half of the month I was road tripping all over the west coast! Here’s my August recap: Traveled: Since my crazy road trip was this month, I traveled lots of places! I won’t name everywhere but the seven states we drove through were Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah,… [Read More]
August, already?
Wow, can you guys believe it? It’s already August! Yeesh, don’t ask me where the time goes ’cause I have no idea! I feel like I’ve done a lot of fun things this summer, but there are still a few things on my list! Here’s a few of the musts I’ve crossed off my list so far… [Read More]
Day Date: Take a Hike
I married an outdoorsy guy, and let’s be honest… I’m kind of a girly-girl. My favorite color is pink, vanilla lattes brighten my day, and I prefer to vacation places where there is a hotel involved. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy camping as much as the next girl. As long as it’s in small… [Read More]