I blinked this month and Emilia turned two months old!! Which means I have less than a month of time off with my girl. (Sob.) I wish I could just hang out with her all day everyday. She’s started smiling at us on purpose now which is pretty much the best thing ever. She is so sweet, and is usually at her happiest in the morning. (She’s a morning person, just like her mama!) I just know she is this close to giggling! She’s pretty good at sleeping long stretches at night, giving me usually between 5-7 hours at a time. She’s getting better and better at tummy time, and has partially rolled over lots of times. It won’t be long before she’s fully rolling over on her own. Bath time has gotten better too – I would even say she likes it! She has officially grown out of TWO pieces of clothing, but is still rocking newborn diapers, and the rest of her newborn clothes. At her 2 month appointment she was 9 lbs 6 oz, and is between the 5th and 10th percentile for height and weight! She’s a petite little thing, but I’m going to say that her being born a couple weeks early has something to do with it. And, her hair!!! It may have receded in some places, but for the most part, it’s gotten longer! For awhile it was a faux-hawk, but now it’s more of a side swoop. (And it will not do anything else unless it is wet, trust me.) We all just love her so.
Here, my Italian babe is rocking the sweetest sleeper my coworker picked up for her in Italy! Ciao bella!
Having coffee with my girl is the best part of my day.
Getting ready to party in our ugly Christmas sweaters at my company Christmas party!
We had a pretty great snow day and ventured out in this new snowsuit!
Napping in her crib like a big girl.
Ready to watch football with daddy.
After bath time!
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