Our sweet, sweet baby girl – Emilia Belle Wachtel – was born on October 19th at 9:55 am, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces and measuring 19 3/4 inches long!
We love her SO MUCH! Every little thing she does melts us, and I swear – the girl is pure magic.
I ended up having to be induced at 38 weeks because a follow up ultrasound showed that I was just under the “cut-off” of low amniotic fluid. We had a whirlwind of a week after she was born, which I won’t bother talking about now. I plan to do a birth story plus first week post that will share it all (or at least all I remember), and trust me – it’s going to be a LONG one! Until then, I’ll be snuggling my perfect baby girl and kissing these sweet baby cheeks. :)
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