Happy October!
I can’t believe we’ve made it to the month our baby girl is due – things are getting real now! There’s still a few things to do between now and when she comes, but thankfully most of the important stuff is ready. Here’s a little list of of things I need to do or want to do before she arrives:
– Wash loads and loads of baby girl clothes, sheets, etc
– Pack our hospital bag (our diaper bag should come in the mail on Wednesday, yay!)
– Meal prep, shop, and make a freezer full of meals for reheating after baby
– Organize all of the new stuff from baby showers in the nursery
– Hang wall art in the nursery
– Clean the house
Aaaand, since I love October and am all about doing fun things, here’s a list of festive things I want to do before she arrives:
– Go to the pumpkin patch and pick out pumpkins
– Carve or decorate pumpkins
– Take a walk
– Have a fall themed brunch
– Go bowling (okay, this isn’t festive, I just want to take my little bowling ball bowling!)
– Make soup
– Put up some decorations outside
And what I really want to do is dress baby girl up for Halloween! We’ve got some festive things for her to wear just in case she makes her debut in time, but I’m not going to lie… she’s going to wear it all even if she comes in November ;)
What’s on your October list?
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