Another Apple Blossom Festival has come and gone, and while I will certainly miss the food fair, I’m not sad to see all the traffic and crazy drivers go. Apple Blossom Festival is a local festival in my town celebrating the time of year when our beautiful apple orchards are in bloom. The festival lasts for about a week and a half, from the last weekend in April to the first weekend in May. With it comes a food fair (my favorite part), a carnival, parades, and other events.
The first weekend, Marty and I went down to the food fair on a Sunday for lunch. The weather was beautiful- perfect for wandering while deciding where to dine amongst the many options. I landed on a veggie gyro and Marty chose pulled pork. We shared a delicious fresh squeezed strawberry lemonade.
Dessert was my food fair must have: A Shiskaberry! These are the best. Just the best. How can you go wrong with chocolate covered strawberries on a stick?
Oh, and just for fun – here’s a picture of my handsome little bro in the youth parade from the first weekend.
Our next Apple Blossom outing was on the following Thursday. We headed to the carnival to roam around with my niece and nephews while they rode rides. (By the way, carnivals these days are robbing us blind! Good grief, it’s so expensive!) Before we met up with them at the carnival though, we went back to the food fair to grab some dinner. I ended up with gyro (again) while Marty chose a funnel cake. (Yep, for dinner.)
The next day on Friday, we stuck around after work to watch the Classy Chassis parade – a parade full of classic cars. My work is located right on the parade route so we get prime seating every year with no effort. Some coworkers brought food and drinks and we had a little tailgate party throughout the parade. So fun!
Saturday my family went to the food fair all together – our final Apple Blossom hurrah. It was another beautiful day which meant ice cream was calling my name. Before dinner. #noshame
Huckleberry ice cream is delish, by the way! For dinner I got a veggie sandwich from the Doner Haus and a raspberry iced tea. Both were tasty. It was a nice evening, listening to live music and hanging out with the kiddos.
Til next year, Apple Blossom! XO
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