Oh March. I adored you this year. The weather around here has been superb. I’m talking highs in the 60s AND 70s! That’s pretty abnormal for my neck of the woods, especially considering we had snow in early March last year. Here’s a recap of the moments I collected this month!
Traveled: While we didn’t travel to any far away places this month, I did take a trip to Winthrop, WA, which is the cutest little western town. I had so much fun watching hot air balloons there! I also took a weekend trip to Spokane and Cheney.
Read: I’m still reading One Thousand Gifts for a bible study I’m doing with some girls at work. We had to cancel one of our sessions, which are only every other week so we aren’t moving through the book all that quickly. I’m really thankful for the time we get to spend together though, and the book is really helpful in teaching to live with intention. I’ll have to do a post on it when we’re done!
Ate & Drank: My favorite dining out experiences this month were breakfast at Glaze, pizza at Fire, crepes at a little cafe, Mongolian BBQ at Wok About Grill, sushi at Blue Flame, and salted caramel ice cream at Das Sweet Shoppe in Leavenworth. At home I enjoyed making/eating lemon cupcakes, Reese’s s’mores, and green pancakes for St. Patty’s Day. Margarita’s and sparkling wine were my favorite beverages.
Friends: We got to have friend time a couple different times this month. I went and visited Merry for a weekend, plus we went out to a couple meals with some of our “couple” friends.
Family: I got to spend some time with my sister-in-law when we went hot air balloon watching. I also road tripped to Spokane with my parents and little brother – always a good time! We had brunch with some of my in-laws as well as dinner with some of my other in-laws.
Exercise: Okay, this is REALLY an area of my life that I want to improve. That’s why I’m putting it in my recap month after month- I’m trying to hold myself accountable people! So far, this is how well it’s working out for me…
Celebrate: St. Patrick’s Day, the First Day of Spring, and a Hot Air Balloon Festival
Mani of the Month: While I’m not a fan of painting my nails green, I did sport a mint mani for St. Patrick’s Day which was fun. (Kind of pictured here)
Smiles: Warm weather, beautiful sunsets and sunrises, wine with friends, girl scout cookies, a job transition, green pancakes, raspberry tea, and lemon cupcakes. (Too many to count!)
Heard: I really love using our Amazon Echo which we are beta testing through our Amazon Prime membership – it sits on our counter in the kitchen and all we have to do is say “Alexa, play music” and it will play music. (You can also call it Amazon, but I much prefer talking to Alexa haha) It will play music off of Amazon prime, so when you say “play music” you don’t really know what you’re going to get, which can be good or bad:) I loved jamming out to the Four Seasons!
Watched: I made Merry watch 10 Things I Hate About You with me this month because she’d never seen it. Plus, I watched the Matrix for the first time for work “homework.” I don’t watch many movies, although I enjoy it once and awhile. Any must see movies out there I should see?
I had a wonderful March, and I hope you did too! I’m still a little shocked that April begins tomorrow, but I know there are some great things ahead! XO
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