Thanksgiving Dessert

Hey there:) I know I’m a little late on this, but how was your weekend? Mine went by way too quickly, as always. Friday night I wanted (needed, rather) to go grocery shopping after work- so we went to grab some dinner beforehand so we wouldn’t be hungry at the grocery store. After dinner, I ended up being so contentedly full and sleepy that we just went back home to curl up in bed. I blame my late Tuesday night, hanging out with the band after an awesome concert;)

Saturday was spent helping our friend’s Alec and Holly move into their new house! It was a lot of work, and I am SORE now- but we had a successful day! Afterward, they took all us helpers out to dinner. Then, Sunday we watched the Seahawks.

Can we all take a minute and talk about how COLD it’s been lately? I MEAN! All I want to do is curl up with a hot beverage and watch Christmas movies! (Too soon? Well then I better not tell you how I’m planning on putting up my Christmas decorations, ASAP…) Don’t worry, I’m not trying to skip Thanksgiving. I adore Thanksgiving.

In fact, my mom came over earlier this week for dinner and we planned our Thanksgiving menu. I don’t really know why we did this, because it’s basically the EXACT same as it’s been for the past 25 years. Oh well, any excuse for us to spend some time together:) One thing I’m on the hunt for though is a great dessert recipe. We will have the typical pumpkin pie, but we’re wanting another option. In years past I’ve made maple pumpkin cheesecake which is SO good! Here are some other dessert ideas I’ve found around the web that I think would be great for Thanksgiving dessert!

Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting: These look so fun and tasty- pretty sure I’m going to have to make these this fall regardless of whether or not they make the Thanksgiving menu!


Snicker Caramel Apple Pie: Yum! We usually have an apple pie at Thanksgiving, but I think this would be a great option for something different!


Double Layer Pumpkin Oreo Cheesecake: Pumpkin, cheesecake, and Oreo all in one? Count me in!


Crack Pie: I’ve never heard of this pie before but it sounds really good!


Caramel Apple Cheesecake Crumble Bars: How good do these look? Yeah, I’m thinking these need to be in my future.


What are  you making for Thanksgiving dessert this year?

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