Tuesday night was EPIC. It included spending time with my brother, jamming out at an awesome Christian concert and MEETING THE BAND. Oh, um, pardon my shouts. BUT IT WAS AWESOME.
Okay, let’s start from the beginning:) My brother got free tickets to a concert awhile back and invited me to tag along. Nobody turns down a free concert, so I of course jumped at the offer. The concert was Tuesday night, so I left work a little early and we headed to Starbucks on our way to the venue. We got there early and the doors hadn’t opened yet, so we sat in the car sipping our hot coffees and taking turns playing songs we are loving right now on our iPhones.
When the doors opened, we headed in and found our seats in the FRONT ROW. I’ve never sat in the front row at a concert before, and being only 5’2’’, I almost always get someone much taller right in front of me.
Yep, that’s Row 1! We had some time before the concert started so we went around checking out the booths for each band. Building 429’s booth had Access Passes displayed, which my brother immediately wanted in on. (He’s met a lot of awesome Christian musicians through his concert-going!) He ended up paying $5 for each of us to subscribe to their fan club so we could do a meet and greet with them after the show. What a brother!
We strolled back up to row 1 to get seated before the show. We were super excited!
The first band that played was called Cadence. They are a young Christian rock band from Florida that we hadn’t heard of before, but they did really well. The lead singer, Donny Karpinen, immediately told us to get on our feet which I dug. I think concerts are better enjoyed this way.
Next up was Love & The Outcome, a husband and wife duo from Canada. If you listen to Christian music or radio, you would probably know their song, “He is with Us.” I adored these two- and now I know I’m going to have to get more of their music. I loved everything they played! Jodi King’s voice is so beautiful, I really had no idea until I heard her live.
And check out the twinkle lights on her keyboard! Love it. Twinkle lights EVERYWHERE please!
They were awesome- absolutely loved it. We got to be up on our feet jamming, and I heard some songs for the first time that I, now, can’t get enough of. Here’s one of them. Her voice. The words. I just love it.
After Love & The Outcome left the stage, we knew the headliner, Building 429, would be up next. The lead singer actually came out and talked to us for awhile during the set swap which was awesome. I’ve been to lots of concerts in my day (I swear, it used to be like, my thing) but I have never had this happen before. It’s almost like- the artist/ band is too big a deal and can’t be bothered? I don’t know. Anyway, this was a unique thing that I definitely appreciated. Especially since the lead singer, Jason Roy, was hilarious and amazing in front of a crowd. He had us cracking up, tearing up and everything in between. I even whispered to my brother, “He could be an amazing pastor with the way he holds an audience!” Some of the things he said were so inspiring that I wish I had it on tape to share with you all now. But, since I don’t, you are just going to have to go to the next Building 429 concert in your area and listen to him yourself! I would LOVE to go again…
Before heading off to get ready to sing, he let us know that they tend to blow the roof off the buildings they play in, and we were about to remodel the place;) They came out loud and powerful! We were on our feet and literally rocking out. Their biggest hit right now I would say is “We Won’t Be Shaken” which was an absolute blast to jam to.
And then Jodi King came out for “Press On” – to sing the female part!
And then, between songs, they stopped to take an epic picture with the audience. This is from their Facebook page. LOVE this!
After a good set of songs, they all left the stage. Nobody in the audience moved, but everyone continued yelling and cheering. All I could think was, “They can’t be done. They haven’t played my favorite song!” Sure enough, they returned to the stage after about a minute and played the song I was longing for. “Where I Belong.” My hands were in the air, I was belting the lyrics, and I literally felt the music. Everyone needs to feel this feeling. At least once.
When the music actually did stop, it was about 9:30. (On a weeknight, I know.) We reluctantly left our seats in the front row and headed out. We weren’t sad for long as we knew we were headed to meet the band! We wound our way through the crowd and ended up in the room where it would all go down.
The first part of the meet and greet was basically anyone asking questions, and the band members answering the questions. They talked about faith, hardships, family life, you name it. After awhile, everyone lined up to each get autographs and a picture with the band. (Which they then posted on their Facebook page. Cool, right?) We were literally second to last in line. When the people in front of us where chatting with the band, my brother and I were in the middle of chatting with the one girl behind us when we hear, “Would you guys like to pray with us?” We look over to see that the gentleman was asking us, and before we could answer Jason Roy (lead singer) says, “Of course they would, it’s what we do!” And he was right, of course we would like to! We walked over and joined their circle, while the gentleman prayed. It was so special. And then it was our turn for autographs and pictures! Here’s the one the band’s photographer took:
Tee hee. Sorry. I’m still a little giddy about it:) Ahhh you guys, this was such an amazing experience!
Building 429, you are awesome- as a band and an inspiration! I already loved your music, but love it even more now! Thanks for coming to my little local town and I hope you visit again soon:)
That’s a wrap y’all. Thanks for tuning in!
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