Today was a Monday, if I do say so myself. Work was suuuper busy, and I was suffering from a Seahawk hangover all day. No, this wasn’t an alcohol induced hangover, but rather a hangover from watching my first Seahawks game in one of the loudest stadiums in the NFL.
Let’s back up, shall we? Hi! How was your weekend? Mine was great and went by way too fast! Although Friday was actual Halloween, the Halloween party we attended was on Saturday, November 1st. On Friday we ended up doing last minute chores and packing with a glass of wine and Hocus Pocus. (What else?) My nephew did stop by to trick or treat in my neighborhood so I had to buy his fave- Reese’s to fill his bag with:)
Saturday morning we headed over the mountains to the Seattle area. We left early enough so we could stop at the mall and do a little shopping at the stores we (unfortunately) don’t have at home. I found some cold weather goodies at h&m- and then we decided it was time for lunch. We were too hungry to venture any further than the mall, so we tried out Blazing Onion and each got a burger. They were really good!
My date:) We were seated right at the bar too, so the waitress sold us on $3 beers. We both got Pyramid Oktoberfest which was really good! I’d never tried it, but would definitely order it again.
After lunch we wandered around the mall a little more before heading out to a friend’s house to get ready for the Halloween party we were attending that night. I was…
Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s!
And my hubby was a pirate. Yep. This is what happens when you wait until the DAY OF the party to throw a costume together…
Haha. At least I got to see my husband in a perm. Totally worth it. As for my costume, it was super easy and made almost entirely of things I had at home. What girl doesn’t have a little black dress lying around? We had a fun time at the Halloween party- I always adore seeing what other people dress up as.
Then, on Sunday we headed out for the game!!
Ahhh, it was so fun. Meet back here tomorrow, and I’ll tell you all about it!
And now, I’m off to unwind and hit the hay early tonight. I think this Daylight Saving Time thing has got me all outta whack. Talk to you tomorrow!
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