Hey! It’s Tuesday, I know. Whoops. Things have been crazy busy ’round here and hubby & I ended up making spontaneous plans yesterday- so I didn’t get to write my usual Monday weekend recap post. What were we spontaneously planning, you ask?
We are going on an Alaskan cruise in May.
Random! Exciting! I literally have never thought less before deciding to go on a trip, and I’m really looking forward to it. But, more on that to come :)
Friday night I had some much deserved downtime after a crazy day at work. I relaxed with a glass of wine after dinner and did some reading and pinning. I was also sporting my favorite pineapple socks. (Yes, fun socks make me happy. It’s the little things!)
Saturday we had some errands to run, so we made sure to fuel up at Starbucks. BTW, the chocolate marble loaf thing they have now is delicious.
We then went to Target to buy some Legos for my nephew’s birthday and I (of course) couldn’t make it out of there without picking up a few other things. Seriously, Target, you get me every time!
After our running around we went to dinner with some of Marty’s family at one of my favorite restaurants in town. Sunday morning I got some Westie snuggles while I sipped my coffee. You know, before we got our Westie I was told over and over and over again that Westie’s are NOT lap dogs! And what did I get? A lap dog. He is 15 pounds of snuggles. I don’t know if I got an odd-ball Westie or what, I just know that I love him to pieces. He’s a great dog.
We had some super nice weather which we took advantage of by hitting the tennis courts. I like to think I’m getting better, but I still manage to swing and miss the ball at least once so I’m not so sure:)
Sunday was also my nephew’s 9th birthday! (How is he already 9?!) It was fun celebrating him at his party. Kids are too cute. Oh, and I ate two cupcakes. In a row. They were really good, so yeah… no guilt here.
His party was football themed, so the cupcakes had different yard lines on them and a football sucker. Cute!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great start to your week! xoxo
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