Oh, January. You went by so quickly, but at the same time- I feel like I experienced you to the fullest. That’s been the change I’ve wanted to make for 2015. I know life flies by, and I know that the days are long but the years are short. But, if I’m out there collecting… [Read More]
I Send You Letters Anyway
Today’s the kind of anniversary you don’t really want to remember. The kind you wish could be erased from the calendar all together. But even if you don’t write it down, you’ll still remember it when it comes. And even though it’s been three years, you’ll still miss them as if it were yesterday. On January… [Read More]
Happy Friday!
TGIF! I turned 23 on Thursday, and am so excited to celebrate with my family this weekend. Here are some things that made me smile from my birthday week! Date night this week consisted of Wazzuopoly- monopoly themed after WSU, the university I graduated from. Go Cougs! This was the weather on my birthday- beautiful… [Read More]