I know you’ve all seen it before, but have you tried it out yourself? If not, I highly recommend it! Honestly, I think it’s the funnest manicure I’ve given myself in a long time. It’s really easy too- I was able to do it using nail polishes that I already have. Plus, I’ve been kind of bored with my colors lately… I’ve used them all already. But doing an ombre mani is the perfect way to do something fun and new with colors you already have. I have tons of pinks and reds so I knew I would be able to combine some of them to pull it off. Just grab five shades of the same color family and start painting :) Here’s my color lineup:
From left to right: Essie Recessionista, OPI From A to Zurich, (I ended up swapping out the OPI pictured for Essie Watermelon because it went better with the other colors), OPI Melon, (and again I ended up swapping out the OPI pictured for Essie A Crewed Interest)
Normally I paint my nails by doing my right hand first. Always paint from pinky to thumb, that way your hand is never hovering over nail you’ve just painted! In this case though, I painted one color at a time. So, I painted both pinkies, right first, then the left. I always have a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover handy- so I can dip my thumbnail in it and use my thumbnail to get any color off that I (always) manage to get on the skin surrounding the nail. This is the only way that works for me. I’ve tried using a cotton swab soaked in polish remover, but it ends up taking off some of the polish on my nail as well.
When all my fingers were painted except for the thumbs, I did a second coat on the two lightest colors. (This way my thumbnails were still handy to help fix any mistakes.) Then I finished up by painting the thumbnails. After they were all dry I added a top clear coat.
There are so many really cute manicure ideas going around out there. I can’t wait to try another. What fun manicures have you guys tried?
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