I wrote this last summer but am just now posting it… :)
We spent the week getting takeout from restaurants + bbqing and eating on our veranda. We made s’mores a couple times in our firepit, plus our resort hosted a s’mores night on the beach which we went to. We went to a berry farm and picked so many raspberries, twice throughout our stay because they were just so good. We of course played in the water and sand. I got some relaxing floating time in. Milly got to play at the park by our house, and I got some slow beach walks in. My bestie and I did face masks and eye masks. We had Marty’s family visit for a couple days after not having seen Milly for months. My family joined us for the weekend of the 4th so we played games and celebrated the holiday. We dressed in red white and blue, put up some decorations, and I put together a festive fruit tray. Our resort had fireworks on the beach which were actually pretty great for just being a combination of stuff that homeowners brought to set off. (I forgot to use our sparklers though, mom fail. Maybe for New Year’s Eve?) We let Milly stay up way too late to watch them. She thought they were too loud and plugged her ears for a lot of them, but was the happiest girl when daddy agreed to push her in the swing for a bit while they were going off. She will seriously swing forever if we let her!
I love that this will be a new tradition for us, the perfect way to celebrate every 4th of July.

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