How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: about 11-12 pounds :)
Maternity clothes? Both – stretchy clothes are my jam
Sleep: Great
Best moments this week: my nephew is in town for the summer, so I loved Milly getting to see him again after six months. She loves her cousins! Also, Father’s Day of course – celebrating the best girl-dad around!!
Miss Anything: sushi… drool.
Movement: lots of movement – always makes me so happy
Food cravings: I was craving a burger over the weekend and Red Robin came through for me. I even got it without the bun and it was still delicious. Can’t wait for more all American burgers for the 4th!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope! Symptoms: back pain has eased up this week. Heartburn has been sporadic. I feel like I’ll be experiencing leg cramps soon but still really hoping not. Those are the worst!!
Have you started to show yet: yep.
Gender: baby girl
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? Both
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: really happy!!
Weekly Wisdom: I got nothing. Haha
Looking Forward To: we are taking a week off for VACATION next week!! It’s so needed after the last couple months we’ve had. We will be heading up to our lake house for some summer fun and the 4th of July. I really can’t wait, and neither can Milly. She’s been asking to go to the lake for weeks!

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