Happy January, and happy 2020!!! My last published post was in October, but I’ve been jotting things down behind the scenes and never finishing anything. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. There’s Milly’s second birthday, the holidays, our Alaska cruise, and we just got back from celebrating my 30th birthday in Kauai. Lots of goodness I want to remember, so let’s get to playing catch up!
This was from a post I started about Milly at 22 months:
We are so close to 2 years old!! I look at Milly’s first birthday pictures and have the hardest time believing it’s been almost a year. She’s changed so much since then, and I know 2 is going to be another big year of changing! Hopefully getting a handle on the potty training thing, avoiding the terrible twos as much as possible, and having all the fun in between! I really feel like I’m going to need to up my festive-game, because Milly is so freaking fun and really appreciates the little things like I do. I’m constantly thinking of fun things we can do together! She gets so excited already, and it makes me the happiest.
I wish I had been better at keep track of Milly’s changes this year, because I want to remember her little quirks forever! Especially the funny things she says and how she pronounces words. Her vocabulary is growing constantly and also evolving, as she gets better and better at saying things. She is a TALKER. The sentences she puts together amaze me, and my favorite is her singing! Thank goodness for our phones, because I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t keep some of these moments of her forever.
I also had a post started called “Toddler Talk” and I wish I had been better about keeping it updated! She has had the cutest toddler vocabulary ever, and these make me smile.
- Peanut butter and jellyfish
- Dada pretty too
- I yuvu mama
- Meme tired and mama tired and meme tired! Both tired!
Our cutie girl.

Next up I’ll be finishing up some posts on Milly’s birthday and the holidays! Stay tuned. :)
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