Today I thought I’d give an update on how my 14 days of love are going! I’m having so much fun adding a little festiveness to every day, I think that’s just how life should be :)
So far my daily to-dos have been game night by candlelight, frame a valentine’s printable, pajama party (breakfast for dinner), heart shaped pizza, make something sweet, wear red, and write a love letter.
For Friday night’s pajama party we had pancakes (with pink sprinkles of course), eggs, and bacon for dinner. I’ve always loved breakfast for dinner – it’s just so… cozy. On Saturday I made our heart-shaped pizzas at home, they were super easy! (I’ll try and do a post on them before V-day!) On Sunday I made red velvet cake balls that partially turned out. My first attempt at making cake balls… those things are a pain. They only partially turned out because I didn’t buy enough melting chocolate, so at least half of them ended up without the delicious chocolate coating. Oops.
Only seven more days of Valentine festiveness left! I’m currently trying to figure out what I want to make for our Valentine themed breakfast on Sunday. I’m thinking pink pancakes. Or pink eggs and ham? Just kidding. Sort of. ;)
Happy hump day!
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