This past weekend was perfect. We made a quick trip over to the Portland area to attend a surprise birthday party for my Auntie Laura. (She’s not technically my aunt, she’s my mom’s best friend- but regardless, she’s my favorite auntie and one of my favorite people in general.)
We left early on Saturday morning and drove the five and a half hours, trying to stop as little as possible because we were already running behind schedule. The party started at 2, and I really didn’t want to miss the “SURPRISE” yelling. When 2 o’clock rolled around and we were still thirty minutes away, my high hopes deflated. “Oh well,” I thought. “We’ll still be a surprise to her, even if we’re late.” By the time we parked the car outside her house at 2:30, my uncle Allan waves us over yelling “They’re coming! They’re going to be here in two minutes!” We RAN into the house, and I’m not even joking- while I was taking my shoes off at the door, my mom pulled up with Laura. We had made it in time.
When she walked through the front door, everyone started singing Happy Birthday to her, and she was SO surprised! When she saw my hubby and I she ran straight over and gave us each a huge hug, and I almost cried, because I’m just a big baby like that… :) Her reaction alone was worth the five and a half hours we’d just driven.
The party was fun, celebrating such a wonderful person.
After the guests left, the party did not stop. We spent the evening chatting, laughing, relaxing, and laughing some more. My auntie keeps my mom and I in tears whenever she’s around- she is SO funny.
At around 7 or so, my older brothers showed up. My oldest brother, Laura was expecting because he’s working in Portland right now, but my other brother was another surprise who also drove five and a half hours. When he walked into the house she got to be surprised all over again.
The remainder of the evening was such a blast, all of us hanging out together, chatting under the twinkle lights in the backyard. When the sun went down, the living room turned into a total dance party. Between all the dancing and laughing, I’m pretty sure we all got our workout for the week…
There wasn’t one person in the whole house that didn’t join in on the dancing, it was too funny. I mean, how many families do this? Just randomly have a huge dance party in the living room? Maybe give it a try at your next family gathering ;)
When it was time to settle down and figure out our sleeping arrangements, we all went upstairs. Luckily, my auntie has a beautiful house that accommodated us all perfectly. When we were upstairs, everyone was criss-crossing from room to room, trading bedrooms, and it literally felt like we were in Home Alone. :) I loved it.
In the morning, we all had coffee outside on the patio. It was perfect.
We had a big breakfast of biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage and donuts. When it came time for us to think about leaving, I was not ready to go. One night was just not enough!
I can’t wait for our next crazy family get together. Hopefully it won’t be too long now :)
Many thanks to Allan and Laura, for being such awesome hosts, and lots of love to my favorite auntie!
Kayla~ I love you so much and you are so amazing and thoughtful. I was so happy when your mom told me she had a beautiful babygirl <3. and thus I also had a babygirl. I remember coming over and visiting …You would walk in the room and say its my turn to play with aunt Laura and that we would playing house with your dolls. As the years have gone by I have watched you grow into this amazing beautiful person . I could not be more proud of you and just so you know you make my life complete . Love you forever ~Auntie