I had a wonderful first weekend of Spring! Friday night my hubby and I tried a local Thai restaurant for the first time, where we tasted some new things and cheers-ed to the weekend.
Saturday I signed up for the 100 Happy Days Challenge! I’m so excited to make the most out of the days to come. Saturday was the perfect day to start the challenge too because it was an extra happy day. I got to leisurely drink my coffee in the morning, then I made cinnamon & chocolate chip muffins from scratch while my hubby and his dad cut down a nuisance of a tree in our backyard. (It had obstructed our view of the Cascades all summer long, and that is so not happening again this summer!) The weather was so lovely, I snuck away from the house for a few to visit a dear friend’s grave. I know this isn’t necessarily a happy thing, but I feel better when I visit her because it’s my way of letting myself know that as long as I can visit her grave on a whim, I’ll never forget who she was to me and how much I miss her. On the way back home, I picked up the mail and received some goodies I’d been waiting for! (A few Instagram prints from Printics, and two koozies from Little Baby Garvin’s Etsy shop) Then, Marty and I drove to Chelan to have dinner with his mom on the lake. It was the perfect happy day to kick off my 100 happy days challenge.
On Sunday, the weather was beautiful all day (not a cloud in the sky). We went to church in the morning which was great. When we got home, we had muffins & iced coffee for breakfast. We then spent the majority of the day doing much needed spring cleaning and organizing. I put this together to go above our headboard:
It was a great weekend, and now I just have to get through the week (one happy day at a time) and then I will get to spend a much needed weekend with my bestie. She gets here Thursday!
Hope you all had a great first weekend of Spring!
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