Happy Saturday all! I cannot tell you how happy I am to be relaxing in bed with my laptop and a tall cup of hot coffee. This week has been so busy. At least 30 people were sick at the office where I work this past week, which meant those of us who weren’t sick were… [Read More]
Pajamas, All Day
I love pajamas. Changing into pajamas at the end of a long day, ahhhhh. So nice. And then there’s the weekends, where you get to wear PJs for as long as you like. During a recent trip to Forever 21, I found myself spending quite awhile in the pajama section. There were so many cute sleepwear items!… [Read More]
Faux Leather + Leopard
Brrr… it’s getting cold outside. Our local temps have been in the 20s and 30s, and are only expected to get colder. What’s a girl to do? Layer, layer, layer! Today I’m sharing one of my favorite comfy cold weather outfits, featuring faux leather and leopard. A hot beverage is the perfect accessory for cold… [Read More]
In The Details
I stumbled across Moorea Seal’s lovely website through the swag bags from the PNW Blogger holiday party. I’m so glad I did, because I have already fallen in love with the handmade accessories available on her website. Our swag bags included an adorable midi ring and an exclusive $10 gift code for the Moorea Seal… [Read More]
Favorite Fall Finds
I love shopping. What girl doesn’t, though? This fall season I’ve found some pretty good steals on some fall must-haves, and I’m really happy with all of the products. Many have become my fall staples for this season. Style & Co Booties: I was looking all over for the perfect pair of ankle boots, and… [Read More]
Casual Style {Jeans + T}
Another Sunday has arrived. Sundays are always a little bittersweet to me. The day itself is great, usually made up of church, family time, and relaxation. But… then there is Monday looming so very close. I can already feel my weekend separation anxiety setting in! The saying goes, find a job you love and you’ll never… [Read More]
Cute Shoes Under $15
So, I recently have stumbled across Urbanog.com, and boy am I in trouble now… Here’s all you need to know about the site: cute inexpensive shoes. I found SO many I loved that were on sale, and I even found a lot in my size! So, if you’re in the market for some cute shoes… [Read More]
Little Black Dress + Trench
I adore the LBD + trench look. Throw in some heels and you’ve got an absolute classic. I’m happy to say I can even pull off the look for less. Much less! For me, it’s all about waiting for the right deal or sale. Which means patience. Lots of patience. But it usually pays off… [Read More]