The Liebster Award


In July I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Ginger over at The Southern Statement! (Check out her blog, it’s so lovely!) Exciting, right? For those of you who don’t know, The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to get to know each other throughout the blogging community.

Here are the rules: List 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you. Be sure to link back to the blogger who nominated you, and then nominate bloggers of your choice. Think of 11 questions to ask the bloggers you nominate.

11 random facts about me:

1. I have 3 brothers- no sisters. I am the sister. Two of them are older and one is younger. Brothers are awesome.

2. This last year I decided I was actually going to learn football as a sport so I could watch all the games with my husband and actually know what’s going on. (We’re Washingtonians, which means we are Seahawks fans all the way.) I did and had SO much fun participating in football season! It also happened to be the year that the Seahawks made it to the Superbowl and WON!!! Pretty sure that means I’m officially their good luck charm…

3. I’ve never been to Disneyland.

4. I’ve broken both of my wrists. Thankfully, not at the same time- but both happened when I was in middle school.

5. Two years ago we adopted our mutt from the pound. She was the CUTEST puppy ever, and they had her listed as a boxer lab mix. As she grew we could see that she was absolutely not a boxer lab mix. We still don’t know what she is, but she looks like she’s got about ten different types of dog in her. I call her our grab bag puppy.

6. I love am addicted to coffee.

7. I adore Christmas. Everything about it. The smells, the music, the fuzzy warm feeling, the significance of the holiday… And you can absolutely catch me listening to Christmas music (or watching Home Alone) throughout the year.

8. Friends is, and will always be, my favorite show ever. I’ve watched it through a gazillion times, can quote it, and I’ve even sat on the Friends couch on the Central Perk set during a Warner Bros studio tour.

9. I turned 21 in Las Vegas. I was actually there for a conference, which happened to have a lot of open bars which worked out great. We ended up making some friends and catching a limo ride down the strip!

10. My husband and I worked at the same company when we first met, and he would tell his good friend and coworker, “That’s my dream girl” when he would see me in the office. He got the courage to ask me out over a year later…

11. Growing up with brothers, I was an absolute tomboy. I’m not sure exactly when that changed, but I am the girliest of girly girls now. Pink is my favorite color, if it sparkles I want it, and I adore pretty things.

Ginger’s Questions:

1. Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I love to write and take pictures- and the blog lets me do both! Plus, it holds me accountable for making the most of life’s moments, and following through with things I want to do.

2. Name 3 of your favorite blogs/bloggers. Ooh, I love reading blogs! My 3 favorites would probably be Little Baby Garvin, Kaylee Daily, and Iowa Girl Eats

3. Name 3 of your favorite online boutiques. I love online shopping, but usually just end up going to websites for a lot of the great stores we don’t have here. Here’s some I check out when I’m going on an online shopping spree:,, and J.Crew Factory.

4. What’s the best kept secret of the blogging world? I’m such a newbie, I don’t think I know any secrets yet! Since I work full time during the week, I’m a big fan of writing a bunch on the weekend and scheduling posts to auto-publish throughout the week. Also, connect with other bloggers! 

5. What’s your favorite trend right now? Maxi skirts. I could live in them- all the time.

6. Who takes your blog photos? I take them if they’re not of me. If they’re of me, my sweet husband takes them. He’s super patient!

7. If you had to only pick 3 materialistic items to have the rest of your life, what would they be? Is it cheating if I say my purse, with all of the necessities it currently holds? He he, okay, so my purse, my camera (pictures are SO important to me) and my engagement ring. 

8. What do you do for a living? I have an office job basically, working at a local company. It’s a Monday through Friday, 8-5 job. 

9. What’s your best kept beauty secret? Crest white strips! I love those things. A pearly white smile is a great accessory!

10. What’s your favorite item in your make-up bag? Eep, there’s a lot of favorites in there. I love my NARS bronzer, and I’m just trying out Buxom mascara. Love it so far!

11. What’s in your purse right now? Cash, all the essential cards, gum, hand sanitizer, chapstick, lip gloss, lotion, a couple to do lists, a pen, a few stray bobby pins… This is actually a “normal” purse day. Sometimes there’s way more random things in there.

Thank you Ginger, for nominating me! So glad I got to participate in such a fun thing for new bloggers!

Here are my nominees:

Questions for my nominees:

1. What are your three favorite blogs?

2. Why did you start your blog?

3. What is your current favorite trend?

4. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?

5. What’s your most recent beauty/fashion purchase?

6. How did you decide on your blog’s name?

7. What’s something you’ve recently seen or read that you would recommend?

8. Name 3 of your favorite online boutiques.

9. What is your favorite thing about where you live? (Or name a few, if you can’t pick just one.)

10. Dogs or cats?

11. What are your 3 must have beauty products?

I can’t wait to read all your answers!




  1. Yay! Loved reading this! You’re so welcome! :) thanks for playing along!

  2. Ah! Thank you for nominating me! I’m so excited… & it was great to learn more about you!

  3. Loved “getting to know you” better and thanks for including me! I’m so excited to get to know other bloggers! :)


  1. […] month I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Kayla of Moments Don’t Collect Dust. It’s an award passed between bloggers as a way to get to know each […]

  2. […] in August, Kayla over at Moments Don’t Collect Dust nominated me for the Liebster Award! Check out her […]

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