Happy Labor Day!

I love long weekends.

But who doesn’t?

Labor Day weekend really seems to signify the end of summer.  Now that it is September, fall is just around the corner.  I’ve been soaking up every last bit of summer this weekend, and enjoying being able to relax.  With a bonfire (complete with s’mores of course), coffee date, BBQ, dinner and drinks on the deck, sparklers, and sunshine– it’s been a great few days off.

I love dining out on our deck this time of year because the weather is so perfect.  It’s not too hot, and we get to watch the sunset.  Last night we BBQ’d up some homemade burgers, and I made corn on the cob.  Add some hard ciders (yum) and we had a delicious and simple end-of-summer meal on the deck.

To make the dinner even better, I put up some Christmas lights to create a nice “atmosphere.”  I love the way lights look good even when they are draped haphazardly.

We also had tons of sparklers left over from the 4th of July, so I thought, why not?  I adore sparklers.  It’s the little things in life, right?

Happy Labor day to all!


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